Our A Dozen Red Roses Bouquet is the perfect way to show appreciation, whether celebrating a special occasion or simply expressing your love and gratitude. This bouquet features 12 stunning red Roses, Betty White, from the hit TV show “The Golden Girls”!
Our in-house design team has created this beautiful bouquet to bring joy and delight to your loved one’s day. The roses come beautifully printed on sturdy, fade-resistant e-flute cardboard, and each bouquet is assembled in a flat, rigid, kraft gift mailer. The bouquet stands 18″ tall and 12″ wide in all its glory, making it a truly spectacular gift.
Setting up A Dozen Red Roses Bouquet is incredibly easy – remove the bouquet from the clear cellophane wrap, and it’s ready to go! The bouquet also includes a tag where you can write your loved one’s name and a special message, making it a thoughtful and personalized gift.
Whether you’re celebrating a birthday or anniversary or want to tell someone how much they mean to you, A Dozen Red Roses Bouquet is the perfect way. And with Betty White representing one of the roses in the bouquet, you can be sure that it’s a unique and memorable gift.
Surprise your significant other on Valentine’s Day or your anniversary with this unique and beautiful gift. The 12 red roses are a classic symbol of love, and the addition of Betty White adds a touch of fun and nostalgia to the bouquet.
Send this bouquet as a thank-you gift to a friend, family member, or coworker who has been especially helpful or supportive. The personalized tag lets you express your gratitude meaningfully, and the beautiful bouquet presentation will brighten their day.
Use this bouquet as a centerpiece or decoration for a Golden Girls-themed party or event. Including Betty White as one of the roses makes it a perfect fit for any show fan, and the beautiful design and presentation will add a touch of elegance to your party decor.
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